"Map to a Gold Mine - Could You, Would You?"

Written by Gary Simpson

If a total stranger came up to you and said: "I've got a map", what would you think?

Would you be intrigued or would you think he was nuts? What if he added: "It's a map to a gold mine." Would that get you interested?

What if he said: "I'll sell yourepparttar map."

There are many unknown quantities inrepparttar 123778 above scenario. In other words, there are a number of things that you need to know aboutrepparttar 123779 man and his map. Here are some considerations:

  • who is this man?
  • does he have credibility?
  • why is he offering you his map?
  • doesrepparttar 123780 mine still contain gold?
  • who else has he offered his map to?
These are just some questions you might ask aboutrepparttar 123781 man, his map andrepparttar 123782 gold mine.

But let's assume thatrepparttar 123783 man,repparttar 123784 map and his gold mine are genuine. What else would you need to know?

  • where isrepparttar 123785 mine located?
  • how difficult will it be to extractrepparttar 123786 gold?
Let's also assume thatrepparttar 123787 mine is able to be accessed andrepparttar 123788 extraction process is not cost prohibitive. When you have ascertained that everything is genuine, what would be your next question?
  • how much doesrepparttar 123789 map cost?
Let's now assume thatrepparttar 123790 map is affordable. Just for instance let us say thatrepparttar 123791 map will cost you $20,000. If you knew you could minerepparttar 123792 gold, recoup your money and start making a profit, would you payrepparttar 123793 man his $20,000 asking price?

Inrepparttar 123794 back of your mind is there a little voice saying "where'srepparttar 123795 catch?" Of course there is. However, let's also assume that there is no catch. What would berepparttar 123796 only thing holding you back from taking advantage of this fantastic offer?

There is only one part ofrepparttar 123797 equation missing. It's you. Can you makerepparttar 123798 process work? What do you need to do to minerepparttar 123799 gold?

You Can Balance Your Life in just 20 Minutes a Day!

Written by Dietta L. Stewart

You Can Balance Your Life in just 20 Minutes a Day! By: Dietta L. Stewart

Is it really possible to live a life of balance?


And I am going to show you how you can do it in just 20 minutes a day.

Achieving a balanced life isrepparttar key to reaching your full potential. When your life is balanced you are free to grow and be all that you can be.

Wouldn't it be nice to stop going around in circles, going nowhere fast?

When your life is unbalanced that is exactly what you are doing. Your days are always full. And you are always busy but you never feel that you have anything to show for it.


Because you're always putting out fires and taking care of emergencies instead of spending time onrepparttar 123777 things that really matter and that help you fulfill your life purpose.

Living a balanced life gives you clarity and direction. Suddenly you are able to stop doing things that don't help you move forward and start doing things that do.

When your life is not balanced its hard to know whatrepparttar 123778 important things really are. In your eyes EVERYTHING is important! And it all has to be done RIGHT NOW!

Don't live another day on this crazy treadmill of an unbalanced life. You just don't have to. Start right now, today, to balance your life by spending just 20 minutes of quiet time alone.

You might be thinking, "No way, I don't have time!" Or, you might cringe atrepparttar 123779 thought of being by yourself. But I encourage you to try it and reaprepparttar 123780 benefits of a more balanced life.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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